A Girl’s Got to Eat.

And what? I’m so rarely at home lately that I’m looking for good meals to take out. Today, I decided to try something new. I created a Salad Wrap.

There is so much to do. It’s exam time here, so nobody wants to go out on the weekend, and we’re all sitting at home. Well, no, we’re going out anyway. But it’s the great FM4 birthday party! Can’t miss that. Even when I have to get out in the morning, because I have a seminar all weekend. And there, I need something to eat.

Today, I studied. And the days before. My desk is a chaos.

And when your brain works, you need carbohydrates. (Right?) So I decided to take something with flour to university.

And other brain food: Spelt flakes. I made a batter. And put it in a pan.

And while this big pancake baked, I washed some lovely fresh green salad.

I’m sorry I’m not writing down the recipe – It wasn’t great. I tried to turn this “Single Lady Pancake” from Joy the Baker into a salty version (though I’ve never tried the original before – maybe I should), but it didn’t taste as good as I imagined and got stuck to my pan. The pan nothing gets stuck in, normally.
But I’m sure the original recipe is great! I just shouldn’t experimentalise too much. If anyone out there has a great recipe where you can make only one pancake without having to throw away rests of ingredients and which you can make salty instead of sweet, I would be totally grateful. I’d be also delighted about other snack/lunch ideas.

The pancake didn’t want to get flipped. So, I did it like the Kebab venders when you buy a Dürüm – Maybe you know that. It’s great! It’s a Kebab wrap instead of a sandwich. I tried to copy the way they roll those wraps: I took some aluminium foil, put my unsuccessfully flipped pancake in there, put the salad in and rolled it up. And there it was, my Salad Snack Wrap for lunch.

Ready to bite in!

Wish me luck, I’ve got an exam tomorrow.

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