
There’s a housewarming party tonight.

(Deutsche Version.) More

A chocolatey present.

It’s a friend’s birthday party today.
I was looking for a present and I found this awesome tin.

But you can’t just give someone an empty tin. So I made brownies. With hazelnuts.

You can see Mum’s hands in the background because she helped me with chopping. Merci!

And those little pieces of hazelnuts came into those chocolatey, yummy, chewy brownies.

I put those in the tin

and put a ribbon around.

And all those brownies, in and out of the tin, will come with me to the party: Happy Birthday!

Muffin Reconsideration.

Did I tell you I’m not a muffin lover? As of today, I am. Give me a glass of skimmed milk and one of these Chocolate Muffins and I’m happy.

I fell in love with those. I know, I made chocolate muffins two weeks ago, but I wanted to try another recipe. And they turned out perfect. These are my kind of muffin. They taste like those Coffeeshop Muffins I always wanted to reproduce.


What I love…

Want to know what I love?

I love making lists. I especially love making lists about the things that I love. It’s like putting my world on a piece of paper. Just more organised.

I love baking. (Good to know, huh?)
I especially love to bake for others. It’s not because I’m really charitable or anything – I mean, I love if people are happy when I bake for them. It’s like Christmas, I love picking presents and seeing people’s faces when they open it. I also love picking recipes and thinking about who would like it. But baking for others isn’t a totally unselfish act. Because I love getting feedback, especially if it’s good one.
So, today I made Chocolate Muffins. For others.

Mum (who I love, too – A lot, actually.) asked me to make some chocolate muffins for her office. (By the way: I love chocolate.) So, I did. It was a good distraction from studying. (I also love my studies. But not the ones I’m cramming in my head right now.)

You may wonder, what the funny toothpicks are doing in those two muffins. (Actually, there’s even a third one in pink.) There are three special muffins. One was for me. (The yellow one.) And two are given away. They contain a yummy surprise. (It’s something very high up on the list of eatable things I love.)

But I have to admit, I’m not a muffin lover. I don’t know, I’ve just never had a muffin that blew me over. (Neither self-made nor bought.) I tried one of those warm and I didn’t really know if I like them – but as I said, I’m not a real muffin lover. Mum tried one by night, when they were already chilled, and she loved it. (Then I tried a piece, too, and yes, they were actually better than before.) She was even tempted to leave them at home instead of bringing them into the office.

But of course, she won’t.

I already put them in their box and they will be on their way in about 7 hours from now. (I love calculating in how many days and hours something will happen.)

I love that it’s getting finally warm. Hooray! The cold isn’t fun anymore when Christmas is over. Oh, I love Christmas.
I also love sleep. This is what I’m going to do now. And I love my huge bed. That got a new neighbour today: a small red rack called Lack. I love Ikea. (I seem to love the word “love”, too. And yes, this post is a bit cheesy.)

Some whining. And raving.

I know, it’s a bit quiet here. You know, I actually had the intention to use my last week of holidays to bake and bake. But – I’m siiiick! Okay, it’s not sick sick, but I can’t stop coughing and I’m not really in the mood to bake or to eat cakes. And my throat hurts. Bah. That’s so typical – it’s getting autumn, it’s getting a feeeew degrees colder (not even enough to wear jackets) and I get a cold. Because I always freeze! (I know, that’s kind of contradictory to my love for autumn and winter.)

I decided to show you an older photo because it would be so quiet here otherwise.

The Brownie Rolls Cake!

Brownie Rolls Cake

I made this cake last winter – it fits perfectly into the cold time of the year. It’s a cake made from yeast dough rolls with chocolate and nut filling, tasting very chocolaty and really good. You can decide yourself if you eat it in single rolls that you break off or if you cut it. I wanted to cut it because that shows a nice pattern. Look here:

Brownie Rolls-Cut

The title says I’m not only whining because of my throat today. Nooo! I have some really good things to tell you, too.

I was in THE DANCE OF THE VAMPIRES on Monday!!! It was sooo cool. It was SO COOL! I would go there again and again and again if I could. It’s awesome! I wanted to see this since I was in elementary school – so I waited for more than 10 years for this musical to come to Vienna again. And it was worth it. Really. I want to see it again! Oh, I so hope I get to see it again.

Time flies…

Happy Easter, Dad!

“Easter?”, you might think now. Yup. Today, my Dad redeemed the voucher I gave him for Easter. Last Easter seems to be years ago, but actually, it’s not. (But it’s autumn anyway, hahaaaa!)

His voucher said that my Dad can have whichever fresh baked cake he wants. It took until yesterday since he decided – Brownies!


They are a bit flat – it was too little dough for a too big pan. But they are good anyway – chocolaty and moist. I hope, you’re satisfied, Dad! (But he came home some minutes ago and what he said while chewing sounded good.)


That’s the nice, colourful voucher-card. It’s self-made – I love to make cards for different events. Mum has almost the same card, but hers is a voucher for a Starbucks-visit. She decided to wait until it’s cold outside, because she’d rather like to have a Caramel Macchiato instead of a Frappuccino. Oooh, and I could have a Chai Tea Latte, then. Or a Caramel Macchiato, too. With a New York Cheesecake! I have to stop – I don’t want to get my MacBook wet because of my watering mouth, haha.